Tuesday, August 19, 2014

12 Dates of Christmas Cherry Chip Loaf

I am absolutely in love with the "12 Dates of Christmas" movie.  I just watched it again last night.  Yes, I know it's August; I'm just a sucker for Christmas movies.  I seriously could watch them year around.

Anyway, I have watched this movie over and over and every time Kate's neighbor gives her the Cherry Chip Loaf I want to jump inside my television and have a piece.

So, last night, after watching the movie for the 50th time, seriously, I decided to look up a recipe for a Cherry Chip Loaf.  I was so excited to see that there were several recipes on Pinterest.  What delighted me the most was that the recipes were based off the movie.  How cool is that!!?

I'm so excited to try one of these recipes.  I have made my grocery list and I will be making it later today.  I can't wait to see if it's as good as it looks and sounds.

I will be checking back in to let you all know how it turns out.  If it's good, I will share the recipe I use.

Stay tuned...

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